English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

ELL/ESL: Talking about jobs/professions in English: Bank teller
Practice choosing the right word when speaking in English about what a bank teller does

A teller works in a bank and helps customers with their banking needs. The area where they work is called a teller (window/windshield) because there is usually a plate of glass between the customer and the teller. Some of the things a teller can help you with include (cashing/taking) a check, telling you how much money you have in your (account/accounting), processing deposits and (withdrawals/money-taking), etc. These days, tellers are not as (necessary/needy) as they used to be, since many people do their banking (online/wired) ( = on the internet). In fact, some banks actually (charge/cover) you more money to speak to a real person! Since tellers (handle/touch) a lot of money as part of their job, they are required to be (trustworthy/trusting). A teller should also have a strong attention to (specifics/detail).


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