English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: Prepositions of time 2

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Choose the correct preposition to answer each question.
Example: Q: When will you be here? A: I'll be there in ten minutes.

1. Q: When will you be in Toronto?
A: I'll be in Toronto ________ three days.

2. Q: How long do you plan to stay in Los Angeles?
A: I plan to stay in Los Angeles ________ one week.

3. Q: What are the store hours?
A: The store is open ________ 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

4. Q: How long has Mary been sick?
A: Mary has been sick ________ Monday.

5. Q: Do you get off work at 7:00 PM?
A: No, I don't get off work ________ 8:00 PM.

6. Q: When will you be able to meet me?
A: I'll be able to meet you ________ 8:00 PM.

7. Q: How long is your break?
A: I have to be back at work ________ 30 minutes.

8. Q: Do you go back to work tomorrow?
A: No, I go back to work ________ Tuesday.

9. Q: Have you been on vacation for three weeks?
A: No, I've been on vacation ________ last Friday.

10. Q: When are you coming back to Texas?
A: I'm coming back ________ the summer.

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Don't forget to check out our second exercise on prepositions of time: https://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/prepositions-of-time1.html.

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