English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

HOLIDAYS: April Fools' Day

Choose the best response to complete each sentence.

1. April Fools' Day is not really a holiday. It's more of a day to play (jokes/funny) on people.

2. In English-speaking countries, this is the day when you try to make your friends believe something that isn't true. If they believe it, you're (supposed/supported) to say "April Fool!"

3. The origins of the day are (unclear/uncleaned).

4. April Fools' Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. In Poland, for example, the tradition is to get people wet by (pouring/poring) water on them.

5. A "practical joke" is a playful trick that usually puts the receiver in an (embarrassing/embarrass) position.

6. Another word for "practical joke" is (prank/plank).

7. I can't believe you (felt/fell) for it! = I can't believe you believed it!

8. A (saga/hoax) is an attempt to trick an audience (or person) into believing that something false is real.

9. In several English-speaking countries, including the UK, Australia and New Zealand, April Fools' (customary/tradition) says that you have to play a joke before noon (12:00 PM). If you play a joke after 12:00 PM, you, yourself, are (considered/consigned) the "fool".

10. A (gullible/sellable) person is one who believes things very easily.


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