English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

Topic: Abstract or concrete noun? 1

REMEMBER: CONCRETE NOUNS are physical things that can be seen, touched, etc. Examples of concrete nouns include words like mountain, table, hand, etc. ABSTRACT NOUNS are not physical things, but cannot be perceived using your senses. Examples of abstract nouns include words like weakness, education, fear, etc.

Choose whether the word in bold is an abstract noun or a concrete noun.

1. He was too upset to go to the party.

2. She was rewarded for her bravery.

3. They decided to adopt a cat from the animal shelter.

4. He wanted to find out the truth, but no one would tell him what really happened.

5. I got a chance to hang out with some old friends last night.

6. Sometimes I think that you don't value our friendship.

7. The empty bottle was on the table.

8. He goes to the beach every week-end.

9. I will be there in two hours.

10. I'd like to check the availability of this model.

11. I've never liked that singer.

12. He lacks compassion.

13. Why did they even bother trying to convince their friend to quit?

14. Nope, this is not the book that I ordered.

15. The bedsheets were dirty, and the pillows were hard.

16. I saw that movie, but I had a hard time following the plot.

17. The director quit because he realized that the movie would be horrible.

18. Sorry, I changed my mind.

19. The photos were underdeveloped.

20. The screen was a bit dark, but I could still see everything quite well.

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