English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English practice for advanced speakers
Advanced English grammar practice for SAT and ACT

Topic: Pronoun agreement exercise 1

Choose whether each of the following sentences has correct pronoun agreement or not:

1. The students were asked to bring their notebooks.

2. Not everybody knows that drinking carrot juice is good for their skin.

3. If you love somebody, set him/her free.

4. Either the CEO or his assistant has to sign their name.

5. Both the Ford and the Chevy had to have their engines replaced.

6. Neither Sam nor his brothers had forgotten any of their French.

7. This is the day when everyone brings their pet to class.

8. My mom and dad believe that my brother is an honest person, but he/she would never say the same about me.

9. The kids ate the food their parents had prepared for them.

10. When you pull someone up, don't let go of his/her hand.

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