English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: Verb tense consistency 1

Choose whether there is consistency in the use of tenses in the examples below.

1. He was having a good time, eating a lot food, drinking a lot of wine, and playing guitar.

2. Patricia washed the dishes, cleaned the counters, and has swept the floor.

3. She knocks on the door, then knocks harder, and finally is yelling for me to open it.

4. Coming home from the mountains, we stopped at a diner and have had some breakfast.

5. I finished my work and went outside to play some tennis.

6. Sylvia was calling all her friends, asking them about whether or not they had seen her wallet.

7. Packing my suitcase for the trip, I was excited. I can almost see myself at the beach already.

8. When I saw him, he has already eaten all the sandwiches.

9. I fed the cats, changed their water, and cleaned their litterboxes.

10. After speaking to my parents, I prepared my lunch, and had left for work.

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