English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Exercise: DO OR MAKE? 1


level: Beginner (A1/A2)

Choose whether each of the following sentences requires do or make.
Click on Answer to see the correct response.

1. James _____ his homework in the evening.
a. does
b. makes

2. Mary usually _____ the dishes after breakfast.
a. does
b. makes

3. My brother _____ the beds at 8:00 AM.
a. does
b. makes

4. I need to _____ an appointment for Tuesday evening.
a. do
b. make

5. I'm going to _____ a cake for your birthday!
a. do
b. make

6. We will _____ the exercises that the teacher gave us.
a. do
b. make

7. I'm sure Fiona will _____ well on her test.
a. do
b. make

8. It's OK to _____ mistakes.
a. do
b. make

9. I need to _____ a phone call in fifteen minutes.
a. do
b. make

10. I'll wash the dishes, and you can _____ the ironing.
a. do
b. make

11. I know that the doctor is busy, but maybe she'll _____ time to see me.
a. do
b. make

12. We have to _____ a decision by tomorrow evening.
a. do
b. make

13. That is not a job that I'd like to _____.
a. do
b. make

14. What would you rather _____: go to the mall or see a movie?
a. do
b. make

15. Q: He's late again? A: Yes, he _____ this all the time.
a. does
b. makes

16. We will not manage to arrive by 10. = We will not _____ it by 10.
a. do
b. make

17. We've been _____ chores all day.
a. doing
b. making

18. They are going to _____ a complaint about one of the workers.
a. do
b. make

19. Be quiet! = Don't _____ a sound!
a. do
b. make

20. It doesn't matter what happens, as long as you _____ your best (= try your hardest).
a. do
b. make


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