English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: Conjunctive adverbs 1


level: Intermediate

Conjunctive adverbs are used mostly in writing. Using these in every-day conversations would be a little too formal. Choose the best, most natural-sounding conjunctive adverb (adverbial conjunction) for each sentence.

1. You need to work harder; ________________, you'll get fired.

2. We wanted to go to Portugal; ________________, we went to Brazil.

3. He is a very weak president; ________________, most people support him.

4. We wanted to go to the beach; ________________, it started to rain and we stayed at home.

5. She is a very smart woman; ________________, it is not at all surprising that she got the job.

6. He has a terrible voice; ________________, he will go down in history as the worst singer ever.

7. John has very little money; ________________, his brother Jacob is a millionaire.
  in contrast

8. Roberta didn't have all the ingredients to bake a cake; ________________, she decided to prepare something else.

9. He couldn't tell her the truth; ________________, he lied.

10. I really don't know why he came; ________________, I would tell you.
  in contrast

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