level: Intermediate (B1/B2)
Choose the correct preposition (for or since) to complete each of the following sentences.
1. I've lived here _____ 2021.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
2. I haven't seen him _____ three years.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
3. I haven't spoken to her _____ high school.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
4. We've been working on this _____ Monday.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
5. I'm going on vacation ____ two weeks.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
6. We've been working on this project _____ two months.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
7. We've had a lot less work _____ Jim got hired.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
8. It's been a while _____ I've watched that movie.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
9. I haven't been able to exercise _____ the last two months.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
10. Have you know about this _____ a long time?
a. for
b. since
Answer for
11. Robert hasn't seen Amelia _____ she moved away.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
12. I think I'll stay here _____ now.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
13. The test lasted _____ two hours.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
14. Frank has been working at the school _____ 2023.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
15. Can we take a break ____ two weeks?
a. for
b. since
Answer for
16. Several weeks have passed _____ they've spoken.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
17. _____ you didn't have a winter coat, I bought you one.
a. For
b. Since
Answer Since
18. Michael will be on leave _____ all of January.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
19. We've been thinking of adopting another dog _____ last year.
a. for
b. since
Answer since
20. They've been thinking of adopting another dog _____ years.
a. for
b. since
Answer for
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