English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

Welcome to our "English for new immigrants" section. We have created this "life-skills" section for newcomers to an English-speaking country to be able to practice English related to things you might have to do every day. The new vocabulary you learn will help you integrate into society and make life in your new country easier. Most of these questions use our patented approach, which combines both grammar and vocabulary training, and spans a range of levels from low-intermediate to low-advanced.


Daycare/Kindergarten 1

1. I have three children. I'm looking for daycare _________ my oldest child.

2. Is this daycare service free, or do I have to _________?

3. How do I _________ my daughter for daycare? = What do I have to do so that my daughter gets daycare?
  give up
  sign up

4. How many other _________ are in the class?

5. My son does not ________ English well. Is this a problem?

6. I have to ________ my daughters up ( = go and get my daughters) from kindergarten in one hour.

7. I'm sorry, I cannot ________ this. = I'm sorry, I don't have enough money for this.

8. Can you help me ________ a daycare program for my children?

9. My son is ________. = My son is afraid to talk to other children.

10. What kind of ________ do you offer? = What kind of things will my children be doing?

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