English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises

GREEN ENGLISH: Natural disasters, relief efforts, etc.

Welcome to "GREEN ENGLISH", our series of exercises on various environmental topics. Today's topic is NATURAL DISASTERS/RELIEF EFFORTS. Choose the best, most natural-sounding response to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Because of the damages caused by the cyclone, there will be massive ________ of food.

2. Most of the facilities are in ________. ( = in need of/ requiring repairs)

3. The disease ________ was spread by dirty water.

4. To ________ relief efforts = To prevent relief efforts, or to make them hard to carry out

5. The tornado ________ power lines and destroyed homes.

6. Several ________ agencies (like Doctors Without Borders) have offices here.

7. Recent surveys have shown that people in developing countries care more about the environment than people in more ________ ( = wealthier) countries.

8. UNICEF has been distributing water ________ ( = cleaning) tablets throughout the area.

9. The majority of people in our country live ________ less than $5 a day.

10. Many people in the third-world ________ hungry ( = suffer from hunger) every day.

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