English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises


Choose the best response to complete each sentence.

1. Ramadan is a very important month for Muslims. It is a time of inner (reflection/refraction) that is (meant/mean) to bring one closer to God.

2. In religious terms, to "fast" means to eat little or (none/no) food. Fasting during Ramadan means abstaining from food completely.

3. By fasting, one learns to develop sympathy and compassion for the less (fortified/fortunate), as well as to (appreciate/approbate) what one has.

4. Ramadan is the ninth (9th) month of the Islamic (calendar/schedule).

5. The daily period of fasting starts at (dawn/down) ( = when the sun rises) and ends when the sun sets.

6. During this period, Muslims must (abstain /absolve) from food, drink, and smoking, among other things.

7. During the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslims try to come closer to God through displays of devotion and good (doings/deeds).

8. The 27th night of Ramadan, (known as the Night of Power) is the most important in terms of prayer. Many devout Muslims spend the (entire/all) night praying.

9. Another way Muslims come closer to God during Ramadan is by reading as much of their (holy/saintly) book, the Qu'ran (Koran) as possible.


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