English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Advanced vocabulary exercise 1

This exercise will help you practice advanced-level vocabulary. Complete each of the following sentences using one of these words: exalt, cultivate, saccharine, philanthropic, stagnate, obtuse, banal, obsequious, debunk, pernicious

1. She managed to several common misconceptions about Muslim women.

2. Her ( = overly sweet) way of addressing people came across as fake.

3. He is a selfish man. He doesn't have a bone in his body.

4. You wanted to hire someone who was quick-witted, but you ended up hiring someone who is .

5. The president tried to an atmosphere of mutual respect.

6. As a society, we tend to ( = put on a pedestal, etc.) sports stars and not teachers.

7. Instead of coming up with clever, innovative ideas, he just rehashed the same old rhetoric.

8. Instead of growing, the economy began to .

9. We believe that the new measures will have a ( = very negative) effect on the economy.

10. I'd prefer you to treat me as your equal. Your ( = overly submissive) behavior is making me uncomfortable.


Make sure you try both our advanced-level vocabulary practice tests:
Advanced vocabulary test 1
Advanced vocabulary test 2

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