English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: Either, Neither, Too 1


level: Beginner

Choose either, too, or neither to complete each sentence.

1. Mary saw that movie. Her sister saw it ________________.

2. I don't like ________________ one of those options.

3. He didn't say anything, and ________________ did I.

4. He didn't say anything, and I didn't ________________.

5. ________________ Bob nor his sister is going to the conference.

6. Pass me ________________ one of those pens.

7. Her father likes to travel, and she does ________________.

8. You don't like fish? I don't (like fish) ________________.

9. PERSON 1: Which one do you like? PERSON 2: I don't like ________________ (one).

10. PERSON 1: I hate broccoli! PERSON 2: I hate broccoli ________________.

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