English grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension exercises
English grammar exercises and tests
English grammar exercises and tests

Topic: Prepositions after adjectives 1


level: Intermediate (B1/B2)

REMEMBER:There are no rules regarding which prepositions are used with which adjectives, so it's best to learn these pairings together. Another thing to remember is that sometimes more than one preposition can be used after an adjective, even to mean the same thing. For example: North Americans often say they're "angry at someone", while in British English it's more common to be "angry with someone."

Choose the best preposition to use in each of the sentences.

1. I'm not capable ________________ that type of behavior.

2. Smoking is bad ________________ you.

3. I'm so angry ________________ this!

4. I'm so angry _______________ you!

5. She was dressed _______________ pink.

6. This restaurant is famous _______________ its mussels.

7. George is married _______________ a German woman.

8. Are you afraid ________________ him?

9. I'm so proud _______________ you!

10. We're not associated _______________ that company.

11. Don't be cruel ________________ him.

12. I'm not being cruel! I'm always nice ________________ him.

13. I'm furious ( = very angry) with him ________________ doing this!

14. She's not worried _______________ her test.

15. You might hear that someone is "good in tennis", though it is more correct to say that someone is "good ________________ tennis".

16. Who is responsible _______________ this mess?

17. Rome is beautiful, but it's always crowded _______________ tourists.

18. I'm ashamed ________________ what I did.

19. I'm not really interested _______________ this kind of music.

20. Her test was full _______________ mistakes.

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Don't forget to check out our other free exercises on prepositions:
Adjectives + prepositions 1 (I)
Mixed prepositions 1 (I)
Mixed prepositions 2 (I)
Prepositions (For, Since) 1 (I)
Prepositions (On, At, In) 1 (I)
Prepositions (On, At, In) 2 (I)
Prepositions of time 1 (B)
Prepositions of time 2 (I)
Prepositions: opposites 1 (B/I)
Prepositions with phrasal verbs 1 (I)

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