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Idioms starting with D

Here is our list of American idioms that start with "D":

Dead: Empty; quiet (said of bars, clubs, restaurants, etc.) Example: "It's really dead in here tonight." (It's empty in here tonight./there are very few people here tonight.)

Dead: Extremely, totally, very. Example: "I'm dead tired." (I'm extremely tired.); "You're dead wrong." (You're totally wrong.)

(A) dead ringer (noun):
A look-alike. Example: "He's a dead ringer for Leonardo Dicaprio." ( = He looks exactly like Leonardo Dicaprio.)

Decent (adj.): Pretty good.

(A) diamond in the rough:
A person (or thing) with good qualities and/or good potential, which cannot be seen right away. Example: "They picked him because they think he's a diamond in the rough and that he'll be a great player in a couple of years."

(To) die of boredom:
To be very bored. Example: "I often think I'm going to die of boredom in his class."

Dig (v.): To like. *this word is somewhat outdated*

Dirt cheap:
Very cheap (inexpensive). Example: "The hotel we stayed in was dirt cheap, but our room was very nice."

Dirty: Overtly/openly sexual; obscene. Example: "Those lyrics are really dirty."

Dis (v.): Short for "to disrespect"; To talk about someone in a disrespectful manner.

Ditch (v.): to leave, get rid of (usually said of something that is "slowing you down" or is "unnecessary"). Example: "The thieves ditched the car and got on a bus."; "He ditched her at the altar."

Do an about face (v.): To radically change one's opinion/position. Example: "He said he would support the bill, so everyone was surprised when he did an about face and voted against it."

Don't hold your breath:
Don't wait for it to happen because it probably won't. Example: "You think David will break up with Tina? Don't hold your breath!"

Don't let it get you down:
Don't let it upset you; don't allow it to make you feel bad.

(To) do the dishes:
To wash the dishes. Example: "Could you do the dishes tonight?"

Dough (n.): Money.

Dork (n.): Strange person; someone without "social graces"; weirdo.

Down (v.): To eat/drink quickly. Example: "We downed a couple of beers and left for the club."

(A) downer:
An event that causes one to be sad. Example: "Your girlfriend broke up with you? What a downer!"

Down the drain:
Wasted. Lost forever. Example: "I tried to get this business going for five years, but I went bankrupt. That's five years down the drain."

Doze off (v.): To fall asleep. Example: "I dozed off during the movie."

(A) drag:
Boring; a disappointment. Example: "The party was a real drag."

Drama queen: Someone who gets overly emotional/sentimental about things. Someone who thrives on the dramatic. Example: "Betty is such a drama queen!"

(To) drive a hard bargain:
To be firm when bargaining about something. Example: "You drive a hard bargain, but alright, I'll pay you $10 for the lamp."

(To) drive someone crazy:
To make someone very agitated, upset, or emotional (most often in a bad way). Example: "That loud music is driving me crazy! Turn it down!"

(To) drop it:
To stop talking about something. Example: "I told you to drop it! I don't want to talk about it."

(To) drown one's sorrows:
To get/ become drunk. Example: "Drowning your sorrows won't solve anything."

(To) drop the ball:
To make a mistake. (WARNING: This idiom is overused in the business world). Example: "P1: So it was John's fault? P2: Yes, John really dropped the ball on this one."

(A) dream come true:
A great thing; a dream or wish that has become reality. Example: "Living in California is like a dream come true."

(To) dump someone: (very informal)
To end a relationship with someone; to break up with someone. To stop seeing someone (romantically). Example: "She dumped me."

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